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Monday, November 18, 2013


I recently had the opportunity to help a Mom achieve her goal of a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean section).  She had done so much in making sure she was educated about all of her options.  She had it in her mind that if for some reason she ended up back in surgery that she would have done everything in her power to prevent that.  She was a peace with knowing that she could end up back there.  She pushed those thoughts out of her head though and focused on getting her baby here vaginally.  After just over a day of labor she was able to welcome her baby into this world with a vaginal birth!  Both her and her husband were so happy and excited to have their baby here.  It was one of the most empowering births that I have attended.  I felt like I could go and do anything after witnessing it.  Mom was able to have immediate skin to skin and nurse her baby minutes after birth. Both Mom and he baby are doing well.


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